Volume IV : page 235

employés dans cette partie de l’Administration publique . . . Prix 3 liv. broché. A Paris: Chez l’Auteur; Lamy. A Versailles: Chez Blaizot; Gogery, [de l’Imprimerie de Gueffier] m. dcc. lxxxiv . Avec Approbation, & Privilége du Roi. [1784.]
E143 .P79
12mo. 258 leaves, printer’s imprint at the end; a notice on the back of the title requests writers of observations on this Almanach, or on Etat des Cours de l’Europe , to sign their letters and to send them to the author, M. de la Roche Tilhac, before the first of September, at which time the Almanach goes to press.
Barbier I, 99.
Quérard VII, 263 and Supercheries III, 60.
Sabin 941.
Jean Charles Poncelin de la Roche-Tilhac, 1747-1827. This almanac was published annually from 1783 to 1791. It contains information, including lists of the civil and military administrative personnel, as to the various States in the United States, and to the Islands adjacent, including French, Spanish and English possessions. It contains also information relative to French and Spanish possessions in Africa, Asia and elsewhere.
On page 443 begins the Tableau des XIII États-Unis. Traité qui assure définitivement leur indépendance, signé a Paris, le 3 Septembre 1783, with the printed signatures of John Adams, David Hartley, B. Franklin and John Jay. Jefferson’s name does not occur in the work. For the Etat des Cours de l’Europe by the same author, see no. 2409. According to Quérard “Poncelin dans cet Almanach, a copié Raynal presque littérairement.”
Description de la Louisiane par Hennepin. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 122, no. 79, as above.
Description de la Louisiane, Nouvellement Decouverte au Sud’Oüest de la Nouvelle France, par Ordre du Roy. Avec la Carte du Pays: Les Mœurs & la Maniere de vivre des Sauvages. Dediée a sa Majesté par le R. P. Louis Hennepin, Missionnaire Recollet & Notaire Apostolique. A Paris: chez la Veuve Sebastien Huré, m. dc. lxxxiii . Avec privilege du Roy. [1683.]
F352 .H5
First Edition. 12mo. 216 leaves in all, separate signatures and pagination, with caption title for Les Moeurs des Sauvages, the engraved map by Guerard lacking in the copy collated.
Sabin 31347.
Boucher de la Richarderie VI, 124.
Winsor IV, 248.
John Carter Brown 1266.
Boimare 16.
Field 685 (in the note).
Shea 1 (in his own edition).
Paltsits, page xlix (in the Thwaites edition), Staton and Tremaine, 81, describe the second edition, but mention this in the note.
Winsor IV, 248. [duplicate entry sic.-- Ed.]
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 3.
Louis Hennepin, c. 1640-c. 1706, Franciscan (Recollect) missionary and explorer, was born in Belgium and died in Holland. He went to Canada as a missionary in 1675. He accompanied La Salle to the Illinois in 1679-80, and was detached to ascend the Mississippi from Fort Crevecœur, during which expedition he was captured by the Sioux and rescued after some months by Du Lhut. He returned to France in 1681. This work contains an account of his trip to the Sioux, with a section on Indian customs, and is one of the earliest printed accounts of Louisiana.
Nouvelle decouverte d’un trés grand pais dans l’Amerique par Hennepin. 1 st. & 3 d. vol. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 125, no. 80, as above, reading Henepin.
Nouvelle Decouverte d’un tres grand Pays situé dans l’Amerique, entre le Nouveau Mexique, et la Mer Glaciale, avec les Cartes, & les Figures necessaires,

Volume IV : page 235

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