Volume IV : page 192

The New-York guide. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 126, no. 71, as above.
[MITCHILL, Samuel Latham.]
The Picture of New-York; or the Traveller’s Guide, through the Commercial Metropolis of the United States. By a Gentleman residing in this City. New-York: Published by I. Riley and Co.; Sold by Brisban and Brannan, 1807.
F128.44 .M68
First Edition. 12mo. 116 leaves, large folded map of New York engraved by Peter Maverick, drawn from actual survey by William Bridges, City Surveyor, 1807.
Sabin 49746.
Church 1300.
Jefferson’s copy was sent to him by the author who wrote from New York on June 12, 1807: “Sam L Mitchill begs leave to offer to M r. Jefferson, a little statistical Manual, the first he beleives of the kind, published in the United States. As it represents the City of which it treats in several interesting points of view, he has ventured to send it, as a token of his high consideration and respect.”
Jefferson replied from Washington on June 24: “ Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to Doct r. Mitchell for the statistical manual of New York, and is pleased with every evidence of the growth & prosperity of so important a city. The Secretary at war would have set out this day, but for the rain now falling to meet the Vice-president & Col o. Williams there to consider what works can be of any avail towards protecting that city from naval enterprizes. Th: J. salutes D r. Mitchell with friendship & respect.
Samuel Latham Mitchill, 1764-1831, New York physician and United States senator, was a prolific writer, and was characterized as “a living encyclopedia” and “a chaos of knowledge.” This account of New York is reputed to have inspired Washington Irving to write his Knickerbocker’s History of New York in burlesque of Mitchill’s work. For other references to Mitchill in this Catalogue, see the Index.
Hakluyt’s voiages. fol. 1 st. edition.
1815 Catalogue, page 123, no. 269, as above.
HAKLUYT, Richard.
The Principall Navigations, Voiages and Discoveries of the English nation, made by Sea or ouer Land, to the most remote and farthest distant Quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres: Deuided into three seuerall parts, according to the positions of the Regions wherunto they were directed. The first, conteining the personall trauels of the English vnto Iudæa, Syria, Arabia, the riuer Euphrates, Babylon, Balsara, the Persian Gulfe, Ormuz, Chaul, Goa, India, and many Islands adioyning to the South parts of Asia: together with the like vnto Egypt, the chiefest ports and places of Africa within and without the Streight of Gibraltar, and about the famous Promontori of Buona Esperanza. The second, comprehending the worthy discoueries of the English towards the North and Northeast by Sea, as of Lapland, Scriksinia, Corelia, the Baie of S. Nicholas, the isles of Colgoieue, Vaigats, and Noua Zembla toward the great riuer Ob, with the mightie Empire of Russia, the Caspian Sea, Georgia, Armenia, Media, Persia, Boghar in Bactria, & diuers kingdoms of Tartaria. The third and last, including the English valiant attempts in searching almost all the corners of

Volume IV : page 192

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