page 71
Dioscorides. Gr. Lat. p 8 vo .
Dioscoride. traduttione e discorsi del Matthioli. fol. Ven. 1573.
Theophrasti Eresii Historia plantarum. Gr. Lat. Gazae. commentariis Bodaei à Stapel, Jul. Caes. Scaligeri, & Constantini. fol. Amstd. 1644.
Nomenclator Botanicus. Lat. Gal. Angl. Germ. Suec. Dan. 8 vo .
Manuel des vegetaux par St. Germain. 8 vo .
Rousseau’s Botany. by Martyn. 8 vo .
Barton’s elements of botany. 2.v. 8 vo . in 1
Linnaeus’s System of Vegetables. Litchfeild transln. 8 vo .
Linnaei Fundamenta Botanica. edente Gilibert. 3.v. 8 vo .
Linnaeus on the Sexes of plants by Smith
by Smith. 8 vo .
on the Study of nature
Darwin’s Botanic garden. 8 vo .
Synopsis Plantarum. Persoon. 2.v. 12 mo .
Crownenshield’s Hortus siccus. 8 vo . MS.
Clayton’s Flora Virginica by Gronovius. 4 to .
Sheecut’s Flora Caroliniensis. 1 st. vol. 8 vo .
Flora Caroliniana Walteri. 8 vo .
Marshall’s American grove. 8 vo .
Tracts in Botany. viz.
8 vo.
Marshall’s American grove
Explication du systeme botanique de Linné. par Gouan.
Kennedy & Lee’s catalogue of plants & seeds
Flora Boreali-Americana. Michaux. 2.v. 8 vo .
Le Botaniste Cultivateur. 4.v. 8 vo . par Dumont-Courset.
Histoire des Arbres forestieres de l’Amerique Septentrional par Michaux. p.f.
Les Chenes d’Amerique par Michaux. fol.
Roscoe’s Address on opening the Botanic garden of Liverpool. 8 vo .
Catalogue of the Botanic garden at Liverpool. 8 vo .
page 71
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