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Chap. 44.
\ ✓.
Aristotelis Logica. Gr. Lat. p 8 vo .
\ ✓.
Wallis Institutio Logicae. 8 vo . 2. copies.
\ ✓.
Crackanthorpii logica. 4 to .
Artis Logicae. Aldrich. 12 mo .
\ ✓.
Watt’s Logic. 8 vo .
Logica de Condillac par Foronda. 8 vo .
The Logic of Condillac by Neef. 12 mo .
\ ✓.
Fraunce’s Lawyer’s logic. 4 to .
\ ✓.
Aristotelis Rhetorica. Gr. Lat. Riccoboni. p 8 vo .
\ ✓.
Vossii Rhetorica. 12 mo .
\ ✓.
Dugard Rhetorices elementa. 12 mo .
Blair’s lectures on Rhetoric & Belles letters.
\ ✓.
Quinctiliani institutiones Oratoriae. 4 to .
Ward’s Oratory. 2.v. 8 vo .
\ ✓.
Cicero de arte Oratoriâ. Proust. 2.v. 8 vo .
\ ✓.
Cicero de Oratore Pearce. 8 vo .
\ ✓.
Cicero’s Orator. by Guthrie. 8 vo .
Demetrius Phalereus de Elocutione. Gr. Lat. Foul. 8 vo . 4 to
Sheridan on Elocution. 8 vo .
Mason on Poetical & Prosaic numbers & Elocution. 8 vo .
Cambray on [. . .] the eloquence 12 mo . of the pulpit. Fr.
Demosthenis et Aeschynis opera. Gr. Lat. {by [. . .]or Taylor. Wolfii. fol.
Lycurgi oratio. Gr. Lat. 12 mo .
Demosthenes. Eng. by Francis. 2.v. 4 to .
Demosthenis orationes selectae. Mounteney 8 vo
Demosthenis Philippica. Gr. Foul. Eng. 12 mo . by several. 2.v. 12 mo .
Oeuvres de Demosthene et d’Eschine. par Auger. Fr. 5.v. 8 vo .
\ ✓.
Discours de Lycurgue, d’Andocide &c. par Auger. Fr. 8 vo . the same in Eng. by [. . .] & [. . .] 12 mo .
\ ✓.
Isocratis Orationes. Gr. Lat. 2.v. 8 vo .
\ ✓.
the same Eng. by Dinsdale. 8 vo .
Isocrate d’Auger. 3.v. 8 vo .
\ ✓.
Ciceronis Orationes. notis Graevii. 6.v. 8 vo .
\ ✓.
id. Lambini. 3.v. 8 vo . ✓. id. Delph. 8 vo .
\ ✓.
Cicero’s orations. Eng. by Guthrie. 3 2. v. 8 vo .
Orationes ex historicis excerptae. 12 mo .
page 226
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